
Lacs ( frz: lakes ) is a former administrative region of the Ivory Coast capital Yamoussoukro.


One estimate from 2007, according to about 681 812 inhabitants has Lacs and thus in an area of ​​8920 km ², a population density of 76 inhabitants per km ². At the last census in the year 1988 365.522 inhabitants were counted.


Lacs is located in the center of the Ivory Coast, bordered to the north by Vallée du Bandama, to the east by N'zi - Comoé, to the south and to the west by Lagunes Fromager and Marahoué. The region is divided into the départements Tiébissou, Toumodi and Yamoussoukro.


  • Tiébissou


Agnéby | Bafing | Bas -Sassandra | Denguelé | Dix- Huit Montagnes | Fromager | Skin Sassandra | Lacs | Lagunes | Marahoué | Moyen- Cavally | Moyen- Comoé | N'zi - Comoé | Savanes | Sud- Bandama | Sud- Comoé | Vallée du Bandama | Worodougou | Zanzan

  • Region in the Ivory Coast
  • Lacs (Ivory Coast)