Lactuca tatarica

Tatar lettuce (Lactuca tatarica )

The Tatar lettuce (Lactuca tatarica ) is a native of Eastern Europe, naturalized in Germany in the 20th century plant from the sunflower family.


The Tatar lettuce is a perennial Hemikryptophyt. It forms underground runners and is 30 to 100 inches high. The leaves are undivided to schrotsägeförmig - pinnatifid. At the base they are narrowed; the end portion is longer than the one to four sides, which are triangular.

The flower heads are in a panicle. The heads consist only of ray florets. The bracts are narrow white margins and have purple spots. The flowers are blue, rarely white. Pollination is by insects, flowering time is July and August.

The fruits are achenes; they are flat, beaked and completely längsfurchig. The fruit beak is much shorter than the brown-green fruit. The pappus is lifted stalk -like.


The home of the Tartars - cos is Eastern Europe and Asia. In Central Europe and Northern Europe, he was brought. In Germany he is regarded as naturalized ( neophyte ) and occurs mainly in the area of North and Baltic Sea. In Austria he is in Lower Austria rare and unstable and has been introduced here only recently He only comes up in the colline level stage before. It grows in beach nations, dunes, Spülsäumen, to rubble, wasteland and railway facilities. It occurs on moist to moderately dry, nutrient-rich, even saline soils.
