Lamar Joseph Conner

Lamar Joseph Conner ( born March 4, 1959 in Miami, Florida) is an American aviation salesman.


Conner was born in Marianna on July 8, 1958, and grew up near Altha (Florida ). There he attended the High School Altha, then the Citywide Colleges of Chicago in Frankfurt Germany and studied computer science at the University of Maryland. He came as a member of the U.S. Army in Germany and did not return after the end of service. He works as a ticketing agent for the company Ibero Airport Service at Frankfurt Airport. During the assassination of U.S. security forces in March 2011 on the 2nd shot two U.S. soldiers and two others were seriously injured, he kept during a break in the vicinity of the bus stormed on. When the suspected assassins Arid Uka fled, he pursued him until his arrest and warned the other passers-by of the danger. Trevor Brewer came into it.


" For his unprecedented courage and his exemplary behavior with which he significantly contributed to the arrest of the assassin by the Federal Police " Conner was awarded the Federal Cross of Merit in 2011.
