Lampanyctus crocodilus

Crocodile lantern fish ( Lampanyctus crocodilus )

The Crocodile lantern fish ( Lampanyctus crocodilus ) is a deep sea fish that occurs in the North Atlantic between 33 ° and 65 ° north latitude and the Mediterranean.


The Crocodile lantern fish 17 ( Atlantic) or 20 to 30 cm (Mediterranean) long and is in the Mediterranean making it the largest type of lantern fish. It has a rounded, scaleless head, with large eyes, deep, terminal mouth column and a long, laterally flattened body. An adipose fin is present. In front of her there is a notable spot. From other lantern fish, the crocodile -lantern fish differs mainly by the pattern of light organs and the small ends is located just behind the gill cover pectoral fins.

  • Fins formula: Dorsal (13 ) -14, Anal 17 (16-18), pectoral 14 (13-15).
  • Reuse gill rays: 5 ( rarely 4 ) 1 11 (10-12), a total of 17 (16-18).
  • Light organs along the ventral post -anal region (AO ): 6 (7 ) 8 (7-9), total 14 ( 13-16).

Way of life

The Crocodile lantern fish lives oceanic and mesopelagisch, daytime at depths 100-1190 m. Search for food, the animals make vertical migrations at night and get some up to 45 meters below the water surface. Crocodile lantern fish feed on zooplankton. Apparently spawns the Mediterranean population in spring and summer, the crocodile -lantern fish in the Atlantic in the fall.
