Larson Valley

- 79.52 - 83.883888888889Koordinaten: 79 ° 31 ' 12 " S, 83 ° 53 ' 2" W

Larson Valley is a relatively flat valley between the southern end of Inferno Ridge and Mhire track in the West Antarctic Heritage Range. It opens east to the Schneider glacier.

The valley was mapped by the United States Geological Survey as part of the compilation of Ellsworthgebirges in the years 1961-66 by site surveys and aerial photographs of the United States Navy. Larson was named Valley of the Advisory Committee on Antarctic Names by DL Larson, a machine operator in the U.S. Navy, in 1965 and 1966 was responsible for snow removal of the airfield Williams Field at McMurdo Station during the operations Deep Freeze.
