Leo (astrology)

The zodiac sign Leo (Greek λέων leon, latin Leo ) corresponds to the fifth section of the zodiac of 120 ° to 150 ° ecliptic longitude from the vernal equinox.

The sun is in the middle in the period 24 July to 23 August in this sign. Due to the migration of the vernal equinox the zodiac sign Leo no longer meets today the constellation Leo. In the constellation Leo, the Sun is approximately in the period August 11 to September 17.

After Tetrabiblos of Claudius Ptolemy

  • The lion is male ( I.12 ) and
  • The sun is the ruler of the sign. ( I.17 )

As melothesische equivalent to the lions in ancient Iatroastrologie was assigned as human body parts abdomen, back and organs of the heart. The assigned divinity was Jupiter.

With Sagittarius and Aries, the lion is the trine of the element Fire, and Scorpio, Aquarius and Taurus the square of the four fixed signs.

The character was already part of the Babylonian zodiac. When it is on the MUL.APIN boards as a "lion" or " lion " ( MUL.UR.GU.LA ur.gu.la ).

Shown is the sign since ancient times as a (usually lying ) Leo, where the head is on the left. The astrological symbol is a stylized lion head as a circle with it indicated in the form of a curved line mane.

The Unicode character for the symbol is U 264 C ( ♌ ).
