Leo Panitch

Leo Panitch ( May 3, 1945 in Winnipeg, Manitoba ) is a Marxist -oriented Canadian professor of political science.


Pantich finished his undergraduate studies at the University of Manitoba in 1967. Afterwards he moved to the London School of Economics and Political Science, where after completing his master's program in 1974 he obtained his PhD. His dissertation he wrote under the title of UK Labour and Incomes Policy.

From 1972 to 1984 he worked in various positions at Carleton University. Panitch since 1984 as a professor at York University in Toronto working. Since 1985 he has been one of the editors of the British journal Socialist Register.

Panitch was also politically active. He belonged from 1975 to 1984 at the Ottawa Committee for Labour Action. He is a member of the Canadian Political Science Association

His wissenschaftlichern interests include political theory and especially imperialism and globalization theories.

For years he cooperates closely with the publicist also active at York University Sam Gindin. The two are friends in the 1960s, since their period of study.

Panitch is married.

Writings (selection )

  • The Canadian State: Political Economy and Political Power, 1977.
  • The End of Parliamentary Socialism, 1997.
  • Sam Gindin: Global Capitalism and American Empire, 2004.
  • American Empire and The Political Economy of Global Finance, 2009.
  • Social Democracy and Industrial Militiancy: The Labour Party, the Trade Unions and Incomes Policy, 1945-1947, 2009.
  • Sam Gindin: The Making of Global Capitalism, London, 2012.