Socialist Register

The Socialist Register 1964 is a once appearing in British Marxist journal.

The magazine was created in response to the restructuring of the New Left Review in 1963 and the subsequent uncertainty about their future line.

In a memorandum dated 7 April 1963, the British socialist Ralph Miliband suggested, along with the two other Marxists John Saville and Edward Palmer Thompson once a year a magazine issue. From 1964 to 1983, served Miliband and Saville as the editor, with one exception in 1982. 1984 was added Marcel Liebman, in the following year saw Leo Panitch. While the first one died after kuzer time Panitch remains one of the editorial board of the journal. 1990 Salville left the Socialist Register.

While essays on many different topics in each issue were before been printed, focused each issue of the magazine from the year 1984 to a specific topic.

The British edition of Socialist Register appears in the Merlin Press. At the U.S. publication of the Monthly Review Press is involved. For the German-speaking area of the VSA publisher is responsible for the sale.


  • Website of the Socialist Register
  • Online archive of the Socialist Register, mostly visible
  • Ralph Miliband over the first thirty years of the magazine (PDF, 5.7 MB)
  • Marion Kozak about the history of the Socialist Register (PDF, 6.4 MB)