Leopold Wagner

Leopold Wagner ( born December 4, 1927 in Klagenfurt, Carinthia, † September 26, 2008 ) was an Austrian politician of the Social Democratic Party of Austria. From 1974 to 1988 he was Governor of Carinthia.

Wagner attended from 1934 to 1938, the elementary school and then to 1942 the main school in Klagenfurt. Wagner later confessed openly to his past as a " higher level member" of the Hitler Youth Revolutionary Socialist Organisation ( RSO). Pied Piper and King Cobra. The liberal wing of the FPÖ and national; on: sozialismus.net < / ref > After the College of Education from 1942 to 1944 and 1946/47, graduated in 1953 and passed the professional examinations for secondary school teachers office in German, geography and history, he was a teacher at various schools in Klagenfurt.

Politically, he was from 1965 to 1973 provincial party secretary of the SPÖ Carinthia, in addition, he was president and board member of ASKO and Acting State Chairman and board member of the ARBÖ. From 1970, Wagner was a member of the Carinthian Government, 1973-1974 State Deputy Governor, and finally from April 19, 1974 Governor of Carinthia. Under his leadership, the SPÖ reached in the state elections in 1975, 1979 and 1984 election results consistent with a vote share of more than 50 percent; the best result achieved his party in 1979 with 53.6 percent of the vote. In addition, the SPÖ has seen a large increase in membership in Wagner's tenure.

On October 6, 1987, Leopold Wagner from a former school friend, the secondary school teacher Franz Rieser, shot on the toilet of the Klagenfurt folk cellar (now " message Hirt " ), because he had felt passed over for a post- occupation. Wagner survived the attack seriously injured. He remained only a short time in politics and soon withdrew from it. On September 27, 1988, he handed the office of the Provincial Governor Peter Ambrose.
