
Leto ( gr Λητώ ) is a figure in Greek mythology, the daughter of the Titans Coeus and Phoebe. Leto is a mistress of Zeus. This begat with her the twins Artemis and Apollo. The Roman goddess Latona was equated her later.

The jealous Hera tried to prevent her confinement, as Gaia, Hera's grandmother, had previously told her that the children should have Zeus and Leto, would be bigger and more powerful than their own. So they sent the dragon Python, which should devour Leto. But Zeus prevented this Thereupon Hera tied the earth by an oath, the pregnant Leto no place to give birth to allow what ever illuminated by the sun. Poseidon In response, the floating island of Delos emerge from the water, while Hermes Leto brought on the orders of Zeus.

Next, put the Eileithyia Hera, the goddess of childbirth, her daughter, under such pressure that they Leto, which threatened to burst almost did not dare to assist. The other gods were but Leto's side, put together, bought the sky from the moon and handed him over to Hephaestus, that he wrought them from the most beautiful necklace. With this they bribed then Eileithyia, and so Leto was able to finally deliver her twins. Under a palm tree she brought forth first Artemis and then with the help of Apollo. Meanwhile clamored around them the Curetes with their weapons, so that Hera Leto could not hear screams during labor.

On the run from Delos, where Hera had she finally discovered some farmers banned Leto in Lycia, to drink from the lake. They were transformed to their request of Zeus in frogs.

That Niobe opposite Leto boasted that she had seven times as many sons and daughters, led to the terrible end of Niobe.
