
The Holy Liutwin (also Lutwin or Ludwin or Leodewin, lat Lutwinus; † 717 in Reims ) was Abbey in Mettlach founder and bishop of Trier, Reims and Laon. His feast day is September 23. Every year in Mettlach in the week before Pentecost, the Lutwinuswallfahrt place, in which the relics of the saint are carried in a solemn procession through the town.


Liutwin was a Frankish nobleman from the House of Widonen. His uncle was Basin to 705 Bishop of Trier. Liutwin initially had no intention to pursue a clerical career. He married befitting, probably a woman from the family of Robertiner, and had two sons, Milo and Wido and perhaps a daughter, Rotrude.

Legend has it that Liutwin at a hunting trip near the Saar loop rested on a clearing and fell asleep. An eagle flew induced, remained above the sleeping man in the air and protected him as from the sun. As Liutwin by his servant found out, he interpreted the event as a Godsend of a character. He built a chapel in honor of St. Dionysius at the site of the Adler miracle. The Dionysius chapel soon became a Christian missionary center. In its place now stands the parish church of St. Gangolf in Mettlach.

To 690 Liutwin founded the monastery Mettlach. After the death of his uncle Basin Liutwin followed this to the bishop's throne in Trier. A little later he also took over the bishoprics of Reims and Laon and was therefore one of the most important ecclesiastical dignitaries in the Frankish kingdom.

717 died Liutwin in Reims and was buried there. Liutwins successor as bishop of Trier and Reims was his son Milo. This could bring the mortal remains of his father to Trier to have him buried in the home. However, it was not according to the tradition possible to bury Liutwin in Trier. So it was decided that the dead should be looking for his burial place itself. The coffin was placed on a ship which by itself first, the Moselle, the Saar was moving up and finally docked in Mettlach, where the church bells began to ring. Liutwin was buried in St. Mary's church of the monastery Mettlach.

Reports of his miracles

During his lifetime to Liutwin have worked wonders.

" As the holy Bishop Lutwinus should once the clergy of Rheims impart sacred ordination, so were messengers of Laon, who demanded that he should also keep them in the same service. Wanted to do Now enough of the man of God to both parties, he is said to have pleaded with the highest grace that she wanted what he would be unable by its own efforts, supplemented by its omnipotence. And the eternal Walter answered at once the purity of his prayer, and the law of the sun changing, he extended the day so much that Lutwinus could travel after the holding of service to the citizens of Rheims still to Laon [ ... ] "

Reports of miracles at Liutwins grave made ​​Mettlach a much frequented place of pilgrimage. About 990 St. Mary's Church was replaced by an octagonal building, which is modeled after the Great Aachen Palatine Chapel of Charlemagne. This church is now known as the Old Tower in Mettlach and is considered to be the oldest preserved stone building in the Saarland.

1247 the relics Liutwins were transferred to a newly built Liutwinuskapelle. Good 200 years later the relics were moved again, this time in a new chapel, which was connected with the abbey church. The monastery buildings came after the French Revolution in the hands of the industrialist family Boch. This left the dilapidated church demolish and build at his own expense the Liutwinus Cathedral in Mettlach, in which the relics of the saint are today.

The original Memorial Liutwins was his adopted death, September 29. However, this day is also the feast of the Archangel Michael. So Liutwins Memorial was preferred in the 18th century on September 28th. After the Second Vatican Council finally September 23 has been set as a memorial Liutwins, which applies to Liutwins uncle Basin at the same time.

  • Representations from Liutwins life on mosaics in the Lutwinuskirche

Entering the monastery

Liutwin firmt

Liutwins death in Reims

During the transfer of the coffin with his remains, the ship can not be created in Trier
