Library of Congress Control Number

The Library of Congress Control Number ( LCCN ) is an identifier that is assigned by the Library of Congress. The LCCN, originally " Library of Congress Catalog Card Number", which is the database identifier ( record number) of an entry in the American National Bibliography including standard data; it is conducted in field 010 ( and 001) of the MARC files. From 1901 until the introduction of MARC service, the American libraries could order catalog cards under this number at the Library of Congress, so these numbers often in the imprint of American books (see today Cataloging in Publication).

The system is in use since 1898. It is independent of the content of a book and should not be confused with the Library of Congress Classification ( LCC) also.

In its present form, from 2001, is the hallmark of a two -digit alphabetical prefix which is used only for certain standard data, followed by the four-digit year and a six-digit order number. The latter is often shortened for readability and shown separated by Divis.

Examples (old and new):

  • ␣ ␣ ␣ ␣ 92022183 (92-22183) Knapp: Elliptic curves (Book)
  • ␣ ␣ 2002024184 ( 2001-45944 ) markers: Model Theory (Book)
  • N ␣ ␣ ␣ 50036535 ( n50 - 36535 ) Guy Davenport (person)
  • No2008168642 United States ( no2008 - 168 642 ). President (2009 -: Obama) (person)
  • Sh ␣ ␣ 85092242 ( SH85 - 92242 ) Noncommutative rings (keyword)

Until 2000, only a two-digit year was used. For the ambiguous 1998, 1999 and 2000, the appended consecutive numbers starting at a specified offset. A special feature applies to numbers that start with a 7, because of an aborted experiment from 1969 to 1972.

The consecutive numbers within a year consist of six digits with leading zeros. The inserted into the dash number is optional and is not intended to be used in accordance with recent guidelines of the Library of Congress.

Even the Library of Congress Name Authority File ( LCNAF ), a counterpart to the common authority file (GND ), relies on the structure of the LCCN.
