Little finger

The little finger (Latin: digitus minimus ) is the fifth fingers of the human hand. He is elle side of the slope ( hand) and is located next to the ring finger. The little finger is usually under the thumb of the second smallest finger of the hand. It is, like all fingers (except the thumb) of three finger members ( phalanges ) and the surrounding muscles. The little finger can be bent, stretched, splayed and brought up. Also, the little finger can be approximated thumb.


For the motion of the little finger following muscles are responsible:

  • Stretching ( extension) Extensor digitorum
  • Flexor digitorum superficialis
  • Flexor digitorum profundus
  • Flexor digiti minimi brevis
  • Abductor digiti minimi
  • Dorsal interossei
  • Interossei palmares
  • Musculus opponens digiti minimi


Since the abduction (abduction ) was once considered the little finger when gripping objects in finer circles as elegant, the little finger is also referred to as "Company fingers ".

In Japan, the abduction of the curved little finger is considered gestural euphemism for a person who takes possession of things that do not belong to her. Mostly it refers to a lover or an extramarital affair.

Committed by a member of the Japanese Yakuza ( criminal organization, " Japanese mafia " ) returns an error, which leads to a loss of face, so he can repay this by cutting off a finger joint. Is usually started with the left hand and with the first member of the little finger.

In England and in the United States is a pinky swear (even pinky promise ) an oath or promise to give two people by bend the little finger of each other. Whoever breaks the oath, must be separated from the fingers according to traditional beliefs.

In German-speaking countries it is literally popular, " to wrap someone around her little finger ."

In Aachen, the up -stretched little finger of the right hand is a badge and greeting each other, which is called " Klenkes ".

In the Flemish part of Belgium can be ordered by means of an outstretched little finger beer in pubs. Following this gesture the number of ordered beers is shown with the other fingers. This type of order has been established there because of the often noisy environment in pubs.
