Lóegaire Búadach

Loegaire Buadach [' Loiɣar ʴ e' buaðax ] (" Loegaire the Victorious " ) is in the Ulster Cycle of Irish Celtic mythology the name of a rather comic hero from the province of Ulster. After his father Connach ( Connad ) he also has the name Loegaire mac Connaich ( Connaid ).


Loegaire Buadach lives according to the legend in Inber Seimne ( Larne, County Antrim ) on the banks of a lake. When his wife Fedelm Noíchride is called, which in the narrative Táin Bó Cuailnge ( " The Cattle Raid of Cooley " ), however, as the wife of Cairbre Nia Fer plays an important role (but possibly also two different Fedelms ).

In the story Fled Bricrenn ( " Bricrius hard " ) is Loegaire Buadach the Zechgenosse of Cú Chulainn and Conall Cernach. As a dispute about the honor of Heldenbissens breaks out, but he always remains the beaten third behind the two heroes.

By the king Cú Roí the above three warriors are sent to Cathair Con Roi ( Caherconree ), Cu Rois residence in the Slieve Mish Mountains, to decide who was Ireland's greatest hero. Everyone must guard the castle at night while Cú Roi testing them in the form of a greyish Otherworld being.

In Aided Loegairi Buadaig ( "Death Loegaires the Victorious " ) to be told the tragicomic circumstances of his death. When trying to save a Bard ( filidh ) before Ertränktwerden, he stumbles on its own lintel to death.
