Lois Pereiro

Luis Ángel Sánchez Pereiro (also: Lois Pereiro, * February 16, 1958 in Monforte de Lemos, Galicia; † 24 May 1996 A Coruña, Galicia ) was a Galician poet, writer and translator. The Day of the Galician Literature 2011 was dedicated to him.


Lois Pereiro was born in Monforte de Lemos in 1958. He attended the Escolapios school and began writing at age 15. He studied political science and sociology at the University of Madrid and learned English, French and German. There he founded the magazine with Antón Patiño loia, Manuel Rivas and his brother Xosé Manuel Pereiro.

Example of his poetry

  • Cuspídeme enriba cando pasedes por diante do lugar onde eu repouse, enviándome unha humida mensaxe de vida e de furia necesaria.


  • Poemas 1981/1991 (1992 )
  • Poesía última de amor e enfermidade (1995 )
  • Poemas para unha loia (1997)
  • Conversa ultramarina (2010)
  • Náufragos do Paraíso (2011)
  • Antoloxía (2011)
  • Modesta proposición e outros Ensaios (2011)
  • Obra completa poética (2011)