
When lunging is called the running a horse on a circular path, whereby it on a leash - is out - the so-called lunge. The Long leader is lunging at the center of Longierzirkels and holds the lunge in his hand, pointing in the direction of the horse. With the other hand, a lunge whip is usually performed.

Application of Longierens

The lunge is often used in the training of young horses. When you have already been trained animal it is used for gymnastic training, to relax the muscles or even after long idle times to return to train the horse condition, without burdening it with the weight of the rider. Important are regular hand -change, so the horse is not loaded on one side.

In the equestrian training lunging is also practiced. The student is riding riding lessons ("long lessons ") on the longierten from horse riding instructor. So he can first exclusively concentrate on learning the correct fit, without having to coordinate the use of aids for the horse.

The lunging is also an integral part of the sport of vaulting. In lunging can be purchased as well as in other disciplines ( riding, driving, western riding and vaulting ) a badge, the German Longierabzeichen.

Long leader

The length of the lunge limits the distance that can take the horse to the Long leader. With the lunge he can parades ( train ) acting on the horse's head. Besides, he takes with his voice and a lunge whip on the horse. The lunge is always from bridle from the lunger.



A lunge is an approximately 8 foot leash, which usually consists of a nylon or cotton belt. At one end a hook or a leather strap is fitted with a buckle, with the lunge is attached to the bridle, at the other end is usually a hand strap.

The lunge is always from bridle from the lunger. You can optionally from the bridle off, deflected by a surcingle, which is strapped in place of a saddle on the horse's back. This redirection allows it to influence the attitude of the horse also has mounted at different heights on the surcingle rings.


In addition to simple lunge, there is the double lunge 16 to 20 meters in length, which is attached as a rein on the bridle. It is generally used with surcingle, as the lunge must be mounted on the side facing away from the Long leader of the horse in height of the saddle area to prevent slipping of the lunge on this page to the head. The application of the double lunge allows a clearer effect on posture and movement of the horse, and thus a very effective workout. This principle requires extensive experience from Long leader.

Alternatively, can be used instead of a double lunge two lunge, but this borders usually the size of a Longierzirkels something because the second lunge must be guided around the horse.


For correct lunging draw reins are used to auszubinden the horse when lunging. Aim is to limit the mobility of the horse's head up so that the animal is released " on the back runs ", ie a deeper commitment by the back muscles. When lunging the horse but should also work with the abdominal muscles by tensing them and triggers. This is important for building muscle the entire hull. When reins are: triangle reins or Vienna reins, Lauffer reins, side reins, or Gogue Chambon. Each auxiliary reins is true a different mode of action, which must always be considered. The Gogue is widely used for osteopathic lunging. In the vaulting of the reins support the horse in balancing the movements of the vaulters.


The Lunge is a leather or nylon strap, which is mounted behind the withers to the body of the horse and allows the Verschnallen the reins. For this purpose, the metal rings are attached at different heights of the belt. The surcingle can also be replaced by a saddle.


The typical lunging consists of the rod as well as a stroke of nylon or leather, which are overall sufficiently long to be able to touchieren the horse.


For lunging can be used with a snaffle noseband, the horse reins are taken off or tied under the horse's neck. Especially suitable for lunging cavesson is also the bitless.
