Lonicera periclymenum

Inflorescence of honeysuckle ( Lonicera periclymenum )

The Honeysuckle ( Lonicera periclymenum ), also Savage honeysuckle, honeysuckle or German Forest Honeysuckle called, is a plant from the family of the Honeysuckle family ( Caprifoliaceae ). This climbing plant is spread over large parts of Europe. Your northern geographical areas are in the southern Norway and in the southwestern Sweden. It grows usually wild in forests and bush -rich areas. Several varieties are used as ornamental plants in parks and gardens.


Lonicera periclymenum grows as a vine up to 25 feet long up.

Here, the plant is divided into multiple loops which literally " cocoon " to a tree and have so much power that they leave helical depressions around the tree branch or trunk. On rocky stretches of coastline, lianas are spread on the ground.

The honeysuckle blooms with creamy white to yellowish flowers, which spread a sweet fragrance. The flowers resting under the warm and bright times of day and in the evening unfold their full splendor. They are night owls usually visited by butterflies and long-tongued enthusiasts that can pollinate the flowers with their long suction pipes.

It formed small red berries. Again and again, these berries entice young children to snack on, but often with subsequent hospitalization, and the fruits of the forest honeysuckle are toxic and cause crushing diarrhea and irritation of the digestive system.


The Honeysuckle is a winter bald climbing perennial woody-stemmed and a liana. In contrast to most of the other winch plants, it is usually the right winder, ie in the clockwise direction overcoming; as it is a deep-rooting.

The flowers are strictly vormännliche " Actual lip Flowers" and are stalked, capitate cymes. Visitors will be affected by dust bag and scar on her belly. The species is a typical night owl flower ie the flowers open only in the evening around 19 clock with a strong scent, to the flowers have oily smooth lips and up to 4 cm long Kronröhren. It is a change of color of the flowers from red to white to yellow to determine. The nectar is available at profuse discharge for langrüsselige bumblebees. The pollen of the stretched out dust bag is also accessible for hoverflies. Bloom time is from June to August.

Through the red berries digestion spread of the plant is encouraged. Fruit ripening is from August to September.

Vegetative propagation is done by underground runners.


  • W. Stichmann & U. Stichmann - Marny: Cosmos flowers guide, page 98, ISBN 3-440-07364-5
  • R. Duell / H. Kutzelnigg: Pocket Dictionary of Plants in Germany and neighboring countries, 7th Edition, Quelle & Meyer Verlag, 2011, ISBN 978-3-494-01424-1