Looking for Freedom (song)

Looking for Freedom is the title of a 1978 by Marc Seaberg (ranked 14 in Germany ) published songs. The music is by Jack White, the text of Gary Cowton. That same year, Jack White produced with On the road south a German version with lyrics by Jon Athan for Tony Marshall.

In 1989 the album the song as a successful retake of David Hasselhoff, which is also produced by a White Album Hasselhoffs borrows the title.

According to its text Looking for Freedom is the confession of a spoiled young man who ignored his father's warning and leaves his home to make his way as a casual laborer. As the song but the word "Freedom" ( English for " freedom " ), and was released at about the time of the fall of the Berlin Wall, it was considered a freedom anthem. In 1989 it was the biggest selling single in Germany and Switzerland, and was eight weeks in Germany and four weeks in Switzerland and Austria in two weeks at No. 1 the singles chart.

The song was covered in 2006 by the Swedish pop and country singer Kikki Danielsson on her album I dag & i morgon.
