Louis (Abbot of Saint-Denis)

Ludwig ( † 867 ) was the only son of Rorgon, later Count of Maine from the House of Rorgoniden and Rotrud, the daughter of Charlemagne.

He was already 838 Abbot, was 840/841 Abbot of Saint- Denis and Lord Chancellor of Charles the Bald and his relevant consultants. 844 he also took over the monasteries of Saint- Quentin and Saint- Riquier, then the Abbey of Saint- wall groove.

When Louis and his half-brother Gauzlin ran into Norman captivity, Charles the Bald 858 brought the enormous ransom on that was required of them. Gauzlin entered 860 into the royal chancery and was named after Ludwig's death, his successor.

  • Abbot
  • Rorgonide
  • Franke
  • Born in the 9th century
  • Died 867
  • Man