Louise Gore

Beatrice Louise Gore ( born March 6, 1925 in Leesburg, Virginia; † 6 October 2005 in Washington, DC) was an American politician from the state of Maryland.

Gore was the daughter of a lawyer and real estate investor H. Grady Gore. She was a member of the Republican and went to numerous political, social and cultural concerns deserve. Between 1963 and 1969, she represented the Montgomery County in Maryland General Assembly, where they in 1966 the first female member of the Republican Party was after her time in the House of Representatives of the state, was elected to the Senate from Maryland.

After an unsuccessful candidate for the U.S. House of Representatives in 1966, she applied for the first time in 1974 for the office of governor of Maryland, but reached only 36.5 % of the vote and thus was subject to the Democrat Marvin Mandel. A second candidacy in 1978 was also unsuccessful.

In addition to her own political career, Louise Gore intensely supported the presidential candidature of Richard Nixon. After his assumption of office he returned the favor and appointed Gore to U.S. Ambassador to UNESCO in Paris. Louise Gore died of cancer at the age of 80 years. She was a cousin of Albert Gore Sr., the former senator from Tennessee and father of Al Gore.
