Luc Frieden

Luc Frieden ( born September 16, 1963 in Esch- sur -Alzette ) is a Luxembourgian politician.

After graduating from the capital's Athenaeum in 1982, studied at peace Cours Universitaire de Luxembourg and at the Sorbonne commercial law. In 1987 he received the " Master of Comparative Law and Legal Philosophy" at Cambridge University and in 1988 the "Master of Laws" at Harvard Law School. At the same time occupied Peace classes at the John F. Kennedy School of Government.

From 1989 to 1998 worked as a peace advocate in Luxembourg City, Luxembourg law taught at Cours Universitaire de Luxembourg and published articles on banking and constitutional law. Between 1981 and 1994 he was a freelance employee at RTL Luxembourg, where he dealt with legal and foreign policy issues.

1994 Peace as a candidate of the CSV was first elected to the Luxembourg Parliament. On February 4, 1998 Peace Minister for Justice, Budget and Relations with Parliament and was responsible for the introduction of the euro in Luxembourg. On August 7, 1999 he was confirmed in a CSV / DP coalition in his offices. From 27 July 2009 to the end of 2013 he was in the CSV / LSAP coalition Minister of Finance.
