Ludmila Mikaël

Ludmila Mikaël (born 27 April 1947, Paris) is a French actress.


Especially at the theater size ( member of the Comédie- Française ), debuted the daughter of the painter Pierre Dmitrienko in 1968 in the movie. Her most famous role as Yves Montand they mistress in Claude Sautet Vincent, François, Paul and the others had. In 1990 she was nominated for her role in White Wedding for the César. It is also known by Pierre Schoendoerffers Dien Bien Phu - symphony of destruction (1992). In 2003, she acted in the hearts of men.

From the marriage with the British theater director Terry Hands, the daughter Marina Hands, also a well-known actress comes from.

Filmography (selection)
