Lydia Koidula

Lydia Koidula (born 12 Dezemberjul / December 24 1843greg in Vändra, .. .. † 30 Julijul / August 11 1886greg in Kronstadt) was an Estonian poet and playwright. Her birth name was Lydia Emilie Florentine Jannsen.

She was like her father Johann Voldemar Jannsen active in the Estonian national movement and wrote both poetry and patriotic poems in which she describes the beauty of nature. They also wrote comedies village. Your dramatic masterpiece " Säärane mulk. Ehk, Sada Vakka tangusoola " was released in 1871. Koidula regarded as the founder of the Estonian drama. Her portrait is depicted on the Estonian banknote to 100 crowns, which had 2011 valid until the introduction of the euro.
