Lysimachia vulgaris

Common Loosestrife ( Lysimachia vulgaris)

The Common Loosestrife ( Lysimachia vulgaris), also panicles - loosestrife and common loosestrife, called a species, the subfamily of Myrsinengewächse ( Myrsinoideae ) within the family Primulaceae ( Primulaceae ) is heard.


The Ordinary loosestrife is a perennial herbaceous plant that reaches the plant height of about 50 cm to 1.50 m This Hemikryptophyt has an erect stem and is usually lively or opposite leafy.

The flowers are in a panicle, which is foliated under hand always. The flower is fünfzählig. His fused petals are colored yellow and often intra- hand reddish. The tip of the petals is bald on the edge, the tip of the sepals crowded often reddish. The filaments of the stamens are fused to a Filamentröhre. Glandular hairs or juice hair are located on the outside of this Filamentröhre. About separates them from the plant lipids, which pollinating insects are lured. It is biologically flowers to a so-called homo game disc flower. It is formed a einfächerige capsule fruit that opens with five tabs.

Flowers formula:


The Ordinary loosestrife is a Hemikryptophyt, a stem plant, a marsh plant and a deep-rooting. The flowers are gay game " disk flowers ". The Ordinary loosestrife is one of the few flowers in the Central European flora that attracts pollinators with nectar instead of with oil. The most common flower visitors include the leg bee ( Macropis labiata ), which is obviously tied in their occurrence to the dissemination of the ordinary Gilbweiderichs. Pollination is the fact that the legs Bee Twins on the flowers of the plant. The females collect the oil with the aid of Saugpolstern at their mid- legs and rub it in your back leg brushes, where it mixes with the collected pollen to a thick clump. This serves as Nährpaste for the larvae. In addition to this species of bee pollen -eating hoverflies are also observed on the flower again and again. However, the Ordinary loosestrife is also self- pollination in the situation.

The flowers are different depending on the exposure; one talks of Photodimorphismus. In the light flowers the petals are dark yellow, red at the base and the stylus is significantly longer than the stamens and with them carried out cross-pollination. The shadow flowers are brighter and smaller, her style is as long as the stamens, which only spontaneous self-pollination favors. In addition, there are transitions between the two types of flowers.

From pollinated flowers are upright capsules, which are about one millimeter long to develop. They are spread by the wind and by grazing animals. Botanists call this spread strategy as Semachorie. The seeds are very light due to an air-filled layer under the epidermis and can be spread by the wind as granules flyer (so-called Anemochorie ). Traps the seeds into the water, they are because of this air layer up to a week buoyant and are worn over the flow of water on ( so-called Nautochorie ). Be eaten the seeds in autumn, among others, of the rock bunting that eats the seeds from the capsule. Here, too, seeds are scattered. It is a so-called processing or spread Dysochorie. The plant is a winter stayer and has its fruit ripens in October.

Vegetative propagation is done by underground runners.


The ordinary loosestrife is found from June to August of frequent light forest sites in swamp bushes, reeds, Bach hemming and on damp meadows throughout Germany. Absent he comes also available in lime and arid areas. Outside Germany, he grows over the Boreal and Mediterranean zone of Europe, parts of northern Asia.

In Austria the way in moist thickets, fens, marsh meadows and alder forests in all provinces occurs of hill and montane zone frequently.

Use in herbal medicine

In folk medicine the Ordinary loosestrife earlier in scurvy, diarrhea, fever and ulcers was administered. Today, he is against it largely into disuse as a medicinal plant. Therefore, the Ordinary loosestrife is often close earlier medieval peasant gardens, from which he feral (so-called Ethelochorie ).
