
MadeInGermany is an autonomous car of the Free University of Berlin and AutoNOMOS Labs, which has been developed since 2011. It is the successor of the Spirit of Berlin. The vehicle is based on a Volkswagen Passat 3C with a drive-by -wire controls. This allows a computer to fully autonomous cars in city traffic control. Obstacles, are measured using different laser and radar systemn, traffic lights and Spurmakierungen about cameras. The sensors are oriented so that a 360-degree monitoring can take place around the vehicle.

MadeInGermany is all mainly in Berlin and has traveled so far over 3000 kilometers completed in the Berlin city traffic and on highways without human intervention. Here an autonomous demonstration drive from the International Congress Centre the Brandenburg Gate was presented with the press and media in September 2011. The main goal of the vehicle it is to be able to fully navigate the urban environment in compliance with the traffic rules.

The vehicle allowed in addition to the fully autonomous driving and the control with other input devices. Thus, a semi-automated mode with an eye or brain control ( Brain- Computer Interface ) network. This also allows people with disabilities access to the normal city traffic. Similarly, a smartphone control via the iPhone and iPad was developed.
