Mahāyāna sūtras

The Mahayana sutras are Buddhist discourses ( Sutra ), recognized in particular by the Mahayana schools as canonical. They were recorded from the 1st century BC. Inspired by the Buddhist Pali Canon, written in early writings ( Pali canon ) the collection of Mahayana sutras is also called Sanskrit canon. Most of these writings are in Sanskrit or in the original BHS ( Buddhist Hybrid Sanskrit ) written. They form the basis for the various schools of Mahayana Buddhism, in each case certain sutra form the basis for the individual schools; For example, the Lotus Sutra for the Nichiren Buddhism, Heart Sutra and Diamond Sutra for Chan and Zen Buddhism, and the three Pure Land sutras for the Pure Land Buddhism.

Mahayana Buddhists believe that these writings - apart from some writings of Chinese origin - authentic accounts of the doctrine, as it has been taught by the Buddha. Theravada Buddhists hold the texts, however apocryphal. Tibetan Buddhists divide the esoteric teachings of the Buddha in three categories: the Hinayana and the Mahayana two directions Prajnaparamita ( Perfection of Wisdom ) and Tathagatagarbha ( the Buddha nature ).


Among the most famous Mahayana scriptures:

  • Prajnaparamita Sutras Aṣṭasāhasrikā Sutra, Sutra in 8,000 lines ( slokas ), translated into Chinese by Lokṣema between 168-188
  • Pañcavimśātisāhasrikā - Prajñāpāramitā Sutra, Sutra in 25,000 lines, about 100 years after the Aṣṭasāhasrikā Sutra
  • Further variants of the Prajna Para Mitra sutras: in 100,000, 18,000, 2,500, 700, 500 lines
  • Heart Sutra ( 50 lines ) ( Prajñāpāramitā Hridaya Sūtra [ the highest wisdom ] )
  • Diamond Sutra ( 300 lines ) ( Vajracchedikā Prajñāpāramitā Sūtra ) (金刚 般若 波罗 经)
  • The three Sutras of the Pure Land Large - Pure Land Sutra Sukhavativyuha Sūtra, (Chinese:无量寿经, wúliángshòu jīng; japanese Muryōju - kyō ), Sutra of Immeasurable Life
  • Small - Pure Land Sutra Amitabha Sutra (Chinese:阿 弥陀 经, amituo jing, Japanese Amida - kyō ), Amida Sutra
  • Meditationssutra Amitāyurdhyāna Sutra, (Chinese:观 无量寿经, guan jing wuliangshou; japanese Kanmuryōju - kyō ), Kontemplationssutra

The five works of Buddha Maitreya, Asanga / Vasubandhu:

  • Mahayanasutralamkara the Mahayana sutras jewelry
  • Dharmadharmatavibhaga distinguish the circumstances of their true nature
  • Uttara Tantra Shastra Ratnagotravibhaga also - to Buddha Nature
  • Abhisamayalamkara
  • Madhyantavibhaga