Major Lance

Major Lance ( April 4, 1941 in Chicago, † August 29 1994 in Decatur ) was an American rhythm and blues singer.


Major Lance, who wanted to be a boxer in his youth, a gospel group called The Five Harmonairs joined in the late 1950s. The group disbanded in 1959 and Lance got through the mediation of a disc jockey a record deal. He took on some plates and could reach the U.S. charts in 1963 with the song The monkey time course 8. This was followed by placement of Hey little girl (1963: 13th), To to to to to to (1964: rank 5 ) and The Matador (1964: 20th place ). From 1971, he moved several times the record label and had some successes. In 1972 he moved to England and played in various dance clubs. After his return to Atlanta in 1974 published a disco version of Lane order to to to to to and still had some small successes. In 1978, Major Lance was convicted for cocaine trafficking to four years in prison. After his release, he played in Carolina, but had to give up his comeback due to a heart attack in 1987. In 1994, Lance was at the Chicago Blues Festival a last appearance; He died on September 3, 1994 of heart failure. Lance left a wife and nine children.


