
11.28333333333336.216666666667Koordinaten: 11 ° 17 ' N, 36 ° 13' O

Manbuk ( Ethiopic script: ማንቡክ ) is a town in western Ethiopia. It is the largest town in the Woreda Dangur in Metekel zone in Benishangul Gumuz region.

Manbuk lies south of Mount Belaya at an altitude of 1200 meters.

2005 Manbuk had 5,596 inhabitants, according to the Central Statistical Agency. In 1994, 3,253 inhabitants, 2,137 ( 65.69 %), Amhara, 772 ( 23.73 %) Agau - Awi and 258 ( 7.93% ) Shinasha; 86 (2.64 %) belonged to other ethnic groups, particularly Tigray and Oromo. 62 % were Ethiopian Orthodox Christians and Muslims 37.63 %.


  • Place in Benishangul Gumuz -
  • Place in Africa