Maneater (Hall & Oates song)

Maneater is a song by Hall & Oates from 1982, which was written by Daryl Hall, John Oates and Sara Allen. It appeared on the album H2O and was a number-one hit in the U.S..

Background and History

Singer Daryl Hall Maneater to:

" John [ Oates ] wrote the first draft, he had constructed it according to Edgar Winters model. It was like a reggae song. I said to him: "Well, it has interesting chords, but we should change the groove. " I changed the the Motown groove. After we had done that, I played it for Sara and sang it to her: " Oh oh here she comes, watch out boy she'll chew you up Oh oh here she comes she's a maneater and ... " But I had to conclude forgotten. Then she said: "Let that shit at the end and just continue with " she's a maneater. " And then stop, " I interjected, ". . You're crazy to throw everything overboard "Then I thought about it and realized that she was right. And that made all the difference in the song. "

At another location Hall said:

"We tried and did it. Our new single Maneater is not like anything else you hear on the radio. The idea was to make everything better. "

The release was on October 2, 1982.

Music Video

At the beginning of the music video a woman running down a red staircase. Then the band plays in a dimly lit studio with light rays the song. The rest of the video you see above in fade outs a black Jaguar, the woman and the band.

Cover versions
