Marcel J. E. Golay

Jules Edouard Marcel Golay ( May 3, 1902 in Neuchâtel, † 27 April 1989) was a Swiss electrical engineer who apply mathematics an end to military and industrial problems.


Golay studied electrical engineering at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich and went in 1924 to the Bell Laboratories in New York. 1931 Golay got a Ph. D. in physics from the University of Chicago. He left the Bell Labaratories to join the U.S. Army Signal Corps and was stationed at Fort Monmouth in New Jersey. In 1963 he joined the company PerkinElmer.

In particular, due to its half page article Notes on digital coding of 1949 applies Golay as co-founder of algebraic coding theory. The photos of the probes of the Voyager program were sent with Golay coding to Earth later emerged in amateur radio a G -TOR said corresponding transmission type.

In addition, he worked on the development of gas chromatography. Golay invented the capillary, which today most widely used separation technique. In memory of the Golay PerkinElmer award up today Golay Award of Merit for chromatography.


  • Along with Abraham Savitzky author of the Savitzky- Golay filter (English Savitzky -Golay smoothing filter).
  • Development of the Golay codes.
  • Generalization of the perfect binary Hamming codes on non-binary codes.
  • Inventor of the Golay cell, an infrared detector.
  • A zone melting process for silicon with Paul H. Keck