Marcel Lang

Marcel Lang ( born June 13, 1956 in Basel, † June 27, 2009 ) was a Swiss Chazan ( cantor ) and singer in the vocal range Tenor.


Marcel Lang grew up in Basel in a family in which the Eastern Jewish Chasanut ( Cantor Art) was maintained. After commercial training he studied singing with Kurt Widmer and Hans Riediker at the Music Academy of Basel and the connected Opera Studio. On the Teaching Diploma degree in vocal additional studies followed at the Zurich Institute of Applied Psychology. As a qualified psychologist Marcel Lang has advised companies and accompanies clients and clients. At the Music Academy Basel, he was a psychological consultant and has taught at the Academy of Music in Basel psychological education.

As Kantor worked long from the late seventies in the Israeli Cultusgemeinde Zurich ( ICZ ) and in several small synagogues. 1982 to 1991 he was chief cantor of the Jewish Community of Basel ( IGB). As a regular guest cantor, he was then in the Jewish community Dusseldorf worked until he returned to the Israeli Cultusgemeinde Zurich 2004. In addition, long devoted to the concert and the teaching. He has performed both as a solo artist of synagogue music and Yiddish songs as a singer of classical songs, operas and oratorios. His concerts have taken him to all parts of Europe and North America, Australia and Israel. He produced several CDs with recordings of Yiddish songs and synagogue music, accompanied by choir, piano, chamber ensembles and klezmer bands. As a teacher, he prepared during more than 30 years students for their bar before. As an established expert in the Jewish singing, Vorbetens and liturgy, he has groups and individuals informed and counseled. So he worked among others at the College of Jewish Studies in Heidelberg as a lecturer for Chasanut and has introduced in the design of the Liturgical Vorbetens from 1999 members of the Jewish- pluralistic Basel club " Ofek ". His knowledge of the Ashkenazi culture and the Yiddish singing songs he mediated on numerous lecture tours.

By his knowledge and love both the Orthodox and the liberal Judaism Marcel Lang felt life in the various Jewish movements at home. This he showed as a cantor in the united communities ITUC and ICZ, who are faced with a heterogeneous members spectrum, or in the Jewish community Dusseldorf, in which many Jews from the former Soviet Union have immigrated, who enjoyed no Jewish education. Committed Marcel Lang has also in inter-religious dialogue. He led many young people as part of Confirmation preparation in Judaism and terminated the Jewish religion practice in Basel Synagogue tours and lectures throughout the German-speaking Switzerland before.

CD productions

  • Ki wi jirbu jamecha - chants of the synagogue ( with choir )
  • Kol demamah Dakah ( Hasidic synagogue and duets, together with Michael Goldberger )
  • Majn Schtejtele Bels ( Shabbat songs and Yiddish songs )
  • Songs of Jewish avant-garde of the twenties
  • Lechajim (along with the Klezmer band Bait Jaffe )
  • Sing! - Mindful of? (together with the Klezmer band Bait Jaffe )
  • Shema Kolenu ( synagogue chants with the synagogue choir Zurich )
  • Semirot Michal ( Table Songs for Shabbat )