
The Marie Byrd Land (also known as Byrd Land ) is a part of Westantarktika.

The Marie Byrd Land, which lies on the northern edge of the West Antarctic grave system, located east of the Ross Ice Shelf and the Ross Sea ( between 158 ° W and 103 ° 24 ' W). It is considered the richest volcanic area of the earth. Overall, 23 major volcanoes are in the field, two important are the Mount Murphy and Mount Takahe. The Mount Sidley is also counting with 4181 m represents the highest local elevation

The U.S. Antarctic explorer Richard Evelyn Byrd explored during the Byrd Antarctic Expedition in 1929 this part of Antarctica, which he named after his wife. Its geographical exploration was carried out on Byrd's second expedition ( 1933-1935 ) and the U.S. Antarctic Service Expedition ( 1939-1941 ). In January 1902, located in the northwest of Edward VII Peninsula had been discovered.

The Marie Byrd Land is considered the largest area No country in the world, it is next to the Bir Tawil in Africa is one of world's two areas that have neither a form of their own or others' administrative structure, nor are claimed by another State.
