Marie Delcourt

Marie Delcourt, Marie also curvers - Delcourt ( born November 18, 1891 in Ixelles, † 11 February 1979 in Liège ) was a Belgian classical philologist and Althistorikerin. She was the first female professor at the University of Liège and a course on the history of humanism in 1929, founder of the local scientific tradition of interdisciplinary cours libre.

Marie Delcourt studied from 1911 to 1919 at the University of Liege, the study was interrupted during the First World War, when she served in the Belgian secret service La Dame Blanche. From 1919 to 1921 she was for a period of study in Paris, where she met Franz Cumont, who also encouraged her to later myths and cult research. From 1922 to 1942 she taught Greek and rhetoric at the Lycée Institut Supérieur des demoiselles in Liege. In 1929, she was also the first woman ever lecturer at the University of Liège. From 1940 until his retirement in 1961 she was a full professor there.

Delcourt dealt initially under the influence of Léon Parmentier, Louis Havet, Paul Mazon and Abel Lefranc with the ancient drama. Later, they dealt primarily with humanism, especially with Erasmus of Rotterdam and Saint Thomas More. In 1929, she was at the University of an interdisciplinary course on humanism, which established a new interdisciplinary tradition of the university. In several writings they grappled with humanism. Another focus of her research were the ancient myths and cults. Your religio-psychological interpretations of the Greek myths and cults, especially the myths about Oedipus and to deformed children and hermaphrodites in antiquity remained controversial in the scientific world. Nevertheless, she wrote with Karl Hoheisel for Reallexikon for Antiquity and Christianity the article hermaphrodite. In addition, she also published on their travels and in 1947 a scientific cookbook.

Delcourt also considered himself a humanist. She was one of the circles of the writer Aline Mayrisch de Saint- Hubert in Pontigny, here she was, for example, with André Gide and Jean Schlumberger in exchange, in addition to literary and artistic salon in Colpach. Her husband, Alexis curvers, with whom she had been married since 1932, was a writer.


  • La vie d' Euripide. Éd. Gallimard, Paris, 1930.
  • Eschyle. Éd. Rieder, Paris 1934 ( Maîtres de Littérature, Volume 18 ).
  • Thomas More, choisies oeuvres. Éd. La Renaissance du Livre, Paris 1936.
  • Stérilités Mystérieuses et naissances maléfiques dans l' antiquité classique. Éd. Droz, Paris 1938 ( Bibliothèque de la Faculté de Philosophie et Lettres de l' Université de Liège, Volume 82).
  • Périclès. Éd. Gallimard, Paris, 1939.
  • Légendes et cultes de héros en Grèce. Éd. P.U.F., Paris, 1942.
  • Images de Grèce. Éd. Libris, Brussels 1943.
  • Érasme. Éd. Libris, Brussels 1944.
  • Conquérant Œdipe ou la legende du: with Conrad Stein. Éd. Fac.Phil.Lett. , Liege, 1944 ( Bibliothèque de la Faculté de Philosophie et Lettres de l' Université de Liège, Volume 104).
  • Jean Schlumberger, essai critique. Éd. Gallimard, Paris, 1945.
  • Méthode de cuisine à l' usage des personnes intelligent. Éd. Baude, Paris -Brussels 1947.
  • Les grands Sanctuaires de la Grèce. Éd. PUF, Paris, 1947 ( Mythes et Religions, Volume 21 ).
  • Tragiques Grecs. Euripide. Éd. Gallimard, Paris, 1962 ( Bibliothèque de la Pléiade ).
  • Thomas More. L' utopia. Éd. La Renaissance du Livre, Brussels 1966.
  • La correspondance d' Érasme. Collectif, tomes 1, 10, 11, Éd. Presses Académiques Européennes, Brussels from 1967 to 1982.
  • L' oracle de Delphes. Éd. Payot, Paris, 1955.
  • Hephaestus ou la legende du magicien. Éd. Belles Lettres, Paris, 1957 ( Bibliothèque de la Faculté de Philosophie et Lettres de l' Université de Liège, Volume 146).
  • Hermaphrodite, mythes et rites de la bisexualité dans l' antiquité classique. Éd. PUF, Paris, 1958 ( Mythes et Religions, Volume 36 ).
  • Oreste et Alcméon. Étude sur la projection légendaire you matricide en Grèce. Éd. Belles Lettres, Paris, 1959 ( Bibliothèque de la Faculté de Philosophie et Lettres de l' Université de Liège, Volume 151).
  • Pyrrhus et Pyrrha. Recherches sur les valeurs du feu dans les légendes helléniques. Éd. Belles Lettres, Paris 1965 ( Bibliothèque de la Faculté de Philosophie et Lettres de l' Université de Liège, Volume 174).
  • L' autre regard. Chroniques du journal Le Soir. Ed. Le Cri / Royal Academy of langue et de littérature françaises, Brussels 2004 Contents.