Marie Matiko

Marie Matiko ( born September 12, 1971 in California, as Marie Lan Matiko ) is an American actress with Asian - Chinese, Filipino and Japanese - roots.


At the age of 14 years Matiko took part in a singing contest, where she was selected from among thousands of candidates to join the performance group The Young Americans, among others with whom you appeared in various music shows.

She has attended various courses in acting, singing and art. It also maintains martial arts and handling of handguns and rifles.

Her film debut was in 1999 in James Foley's action thriller Corruptor - In the sign of corruption before it in the same year held a role in the feature film Mystery Men. Her first major role was in 2000 on the side of Wesley Snipes in the action film The Art of War.

Since then she has in several feature films, a TV movie ( Counter Strike ), contributed three short films and several television series.

