
53.52527777777812.9975Koordinaten: 53 ° 32 ' N, 13 ° 0' O

Marihn is a district of the city Penzlin in the district Mecklenburg Lake District Mecklenburg -Vorpommern ( Germany ).

In the independent until June 7, 2009 Church Marihn lived 259 inhabitants ( 31 December 2007) to 7.86 km ². Last honorary mayor was Jens Marihns fireplace.


Marihn located seven kilometers west of the city center of Penzlin.


The historically evolved center of the community is located approximately 500 meters north of the main road 192 A scattered settlement with nine farmsteads originated in the road in the thirties. The community is characterized Marihn typical local agriculture. Marihn shows up today with new houses, new road and a redesigned church forecourt. The Marihner church was built in 1904 / 05, the cemetery wall is preserved well. And situated at the northern end of the village street mansion and its accompanying park gives the place a stately effect. Remnants of the old estate in Marihn are by economic house, barn and granary and stables still clearly visible.

As the first municipality in eastern Germany Marihn was 8 December 2007 in recognition of her healthy, life- friendly and regionally typical living environment with the title " Cittaslow - livable city " award.


In Marihn is the first structure in Germany rose garden of the English rose breeder David Austin. Several roses, fruit and herb gardens are a 13 -acre "Garden of Marihn ". In the rose gardens of approximately 10,000 English roses have been planted since 2008. The Garden of Marihn was an outdoor location of the Federal Horticultural Show 2009 in Schwerin.
