Mário Schenberg

Mário 's Mountain ( Schoenberg ) ( born July 2, 1914 in Recife, † November 10, 1990 in Sao Paulo) was a Brazilian theoretical physicist, art critic and writer.

Schenberg studied in Recife and Sao Paulo with the degree in Electrical Engineering, 1935. A year later a degree in mathematics and a degree in Physics, where he was influenced by the Italian physicist Gleb Wataghin. In 1939 he went to Europe to Enrico Fermi in Rome, Wolfgang Pauli in Zurich and Frédéric Joliot- Curie in Paris. In 1940 he went on a Guggenheim fellowship in the United States to George Gamow at the University of Washington, was at the Institute for Advanced Study and Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar to the Yerkes Observatory near Chicago. In 1942 he returned to Brazil in 1944 and professor in Sao Paulo. In 1948, he was for five years in Brussels, where he worked in the research group of cosmic radiation by Giuseppe Occhialini and came into contact with Ilya Prigogine. 1953 to 1961 he headed the physics faculty in Sao Paulo. In this time, the installation of the first computer at the University of Sao Paulo and the establishment of an Institute for Solid State Physics fell. He was also active in the 1950s at the Centro Brasileiro de Pesquisas físicas ( CBPF ), where he worked with Jorge André Swieca. During the military dictatorship, he lost his professorship in 1969 in Sao Paulo, to which he returned in 1979.

He is known for his contributions to astrophysics, for example nuclear reactions in advance of supernovae ( Urca process) or the Schönberg- Chandrasekhar limit of the mass of a star that is still stable against collapse, after the hydrogen fusion fuel is consumed.

During the stay of David Bohm in Brazil in the 1950s, he worked with this on alternatives to the usual interpretation of quantum mechanics. He also studied for possible applications in geometric algebra formalism of quantum mechanics and quantum field theory.

Among his students were José Leite Lopes, Jayme Tiomno and Herch Moysés Nussenzveig.

1979 to 1981 he was president of the Brazilian Physical Society.

Since he was a member of the Communist Party and active for this in the policies of the State of Sao Paulo ( since the 1940s ), he was during the military dictatorship problems. He had been arrested in 1964, but was released on political pressure from foreign scientists again.

He also emerged as an art critic.

From 2009 his Collected Scientific works were published in Sao Paulo.

He was with Julieta Bárbara Guerrini, the former wife of the poet Oswald de Andrade, married and with the sculptor Lourdes Cedran. He had a daughter Ana Clara Guerrini 's Mountain, a geneticist.

A spherical gravitational wave detector at the University of Sao Paulo is named after him.
