Martin I of Sicily

Martin I called the boy (el Joven ) (* 1376, † July 25, 1409 in Cagliari), the house of Aragon, was 1392 / 1402 to 1409 King of Sicily.


Martin was the son of King Martin I of Aragon and his first wife, Maria de Luna. He married a 13 -year-old in 1392, Queen Mary of Sicily, and thus became the co-regent. To this end, Maria was abducted by Catalonia to thwart their marriage plans with the Visconti family. Martin's father ended up with an expedition as vicar of his son and daughter- in Sicily and established the rule of the crown restored.

After Mary had died in 1402, Martin reigned alone, in the same year he married Blanche of Navarre. As king of Sicily Martin was completely under the influence of his father, who communicated by Aragon directly with the Councils in Sicily. Martin died in 1409 in a campaign to Sardinia without legitimate offspring. As king his father as Martin II followed the old man.
