Martin of Opava

Martin of Opava OP (Latin Martinus Oppaviensis, later also Martinus Polonus; Czech Martin z Opavy, Martin Opavský; * to 1220/1230, probably in Opava, Opava province, Margraviate of Moravia; † after June 22, 1278 in Bologna ) was Dominican friar and papal penitentiary and chaplain and chronicler. In 1278 he was Elect of Gniezno.


Martin, who is referred to in some manuscripts as " a native of the Kingdom of Bohemia from the country Opava " [ De regno Boemie oriendus patria Oppaviensis ], the Dominican monastery of St. Clement joined in the Old Town. After completing theological studies, he was ordained a priest in Prague. Although he is only mentioned in documents in 1261 in Rome, he stayed there probably already during the pontificate of Alexander IV on. After his rise as an official of the Curia, he described himself as a " preacher brother Martin, papal chaplain and penitentiary " [ Frater Martinus Ordinis Predicatorum, domni pape penitentiarius et capellanus ]. 1278 was Martin of Opava by Pope Nicholas III. appointed to the vacant chair Archbishop of Gniezno. However, he died on the journey there, even before he had left Italy.

Only in the 14th century his Latinized Martinus Polonus epithet is occupied. It is derived from either of them that the Prague Clemens monastery belonged to the Polish Province of the Order or because he was Elect of Gniezno.

In its list of 1277 Pope Martin of Opava mentioned Pope Joan.


  • Chronicon Pontificum et imperatorum; a universal history of the popes and emperors to Pope Nicholas III. , which was translated into nearly every Western vernacular languages ​​, but also into Persian and Armenian.
  • Tabula Martiniana decree; a collection of canon law
  • Sermones de tempore, de Sanctis; a collection of homiletic templates
  • Sermones de tempore et de Sanctis. John Green Ingersoll, Strasbourg 1488 ( digitized )
  • Chronicon Pontificum et imperatorum; is considered the most influential source for the legend of Pope Joan, which was mentioned there for the first time.
  • Margarita decree seu Tabula Martiniana. Speyer 1485 ( digitized )