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Matsutake ( Tricholoma matsutake )

Matsutake ( Kanji:松茸; Tricholoma matsutake ) are the most coveted in Japan wild mushrooms from the family of Tricholoma relatives ( Tricholomataceae ). Since at least 1000 years, it is an important ingredient in Japanese cuisine. In Japan, there is the tradition to show someone your appreciation by a fungus gift. And the matsutake is considered a particularly honorable surrender.


  • In America: White matsutake ( T. magnivelare, Syn Armillaria ponderosa)
  • In Southern Europe: Crocodile or Puss Tricholoma ( T. caligatum )
  • In northern Europe: Swedish matsutake ( T. nauseosum )

It is possible that in the two European species also only subspecies of Matsutake.


The " pine mushroom " (Japanese Matsu = pine and take = mushroom, sponge - in German speaking countries known as crocodile Tricholoma ) growing in the litter and especially among the scattering of some tree species, with whose roots it forms a mycorrhiza ( ). His favorite symbiotic partner is Japanese red pine, where it can be found under trees that are between 20 and 60 years old. The matsutake is a strict mycorrhizal fungus and therefore can not breed itself. Statements such as " cultivated mushrooms " or " farm xy" are therefore false.


Market value

The matsutake is rare and hard to find, so it has a high market price. Since the Japanese deposits have fallen sharply in the last 50 years, the mushrooms were more expensive. The annual harvest in Japan is currently less than 1000 tons. There are imported from China and Korea Matsutake. Also from the USA ( Oregon), the fungi are imported. The highest market prices achieved - depending on quality, season and origin - usually the Japanese mushrooms, sometimes up to 2000 € per kilogram. In comparison, Adult costs on average about 90 € per kilogram. The best mushrooms (trade class 1) are fungi that have not yet been screened.

Feed value

The flavor of matsutake similar to that of cinnamon and is retained even after cooking. Popular Matsutake are grilled, as a soup ingredient for mushroom rice dishes etc. The mushrooms are very al dente. In Japan, the Matsutake also be awarded health-promoting effects.
