Maurice Richlin

Maurice Richlin Norman ( born February 23, 1920 in Omaha, Nebraska, † November 13, 1990 in Los Angeles, California ) was an American screenwriter who won the Oscar for Best Original Screenplay for the screenplay for Pillow Talk in 1960.


Richlin began in the 1950s as a screenwriter in the production of television series.

For the screenplay for Pillow Talk (1959 ) by Michael Gordon, he was awarded, together with Russell Rouse, Clarence Greene and Stanley Shapiro with the Oscar for best original screenplay and was also awarded with Stanley Shapiro nominated for the Prize of the Writers Guild of America (WGA Award) for bestgeschriebene Comedy 1960.

In addition, he was responsible for the screenplay for Operation Petticoat (1959 ) by Blake Edwards with Paul King, Joseph and Stanley Shapiro 1960 also nominated for the Academy Award for Best Original Screenplay, as well as with Shapiro for the WGA Award for bestgeschriebene comedy.

For written by him and director Blake Edwards screenplay for The Pink Panther (1963 ) both in 1965 for the price of the Writers Guild of America (WGA Award) were nominated for bestgeschriebene comedy. Other films based on his screenplays or stories belong All in a Night ( 1961) by Joseph Anthony, What Did You Do in the War, Daddy? (1966 ) by Blake Edwards and The bare facts ( 1967) by Alexander Mackendrick, before he worked mainly in television productions back in the 1970s.
