Maxixe (dance)

The maxixe (sometimes also written Machiche or Matchiche ) is a Brazilian dance in 2/4-cycle, which has become known as the Brazilian tango. He was born 1870-1880 in Rio de Janeiro from precursors of Tango Argentino ( Candombe and Milonga ), from the Cuban habanera and influenced by polka and the Afro-Brazilian Lundu. The maxixe is considered the first urban dance craze of Brazil. As the tango was also the maxixe in the U.S. and popular in Europe at the beginning of the 20th century. Today, the maxixe is hardly used because he was ousted by the Samba, he has also influenced.

One of the composer Agustín Barrios Mangore maxixe was the beginning of the 20th century so popular that he was even quoted in works of classical music, such as An American in Paris by George Gershwin (1928 ) or the piano concerto by Francis Poulenc (1949 ). A Berlin subtext to this maxixe is:

If my wife undresses, Like the looks then, Then she bent Beene And false teeth.

A variant of this text is quoted in the play The Captain of Köpenick ( 1930) by Carl Zuckmayer. It reads:

If my wife undresses, Like the looks because, The Beene as zwee panniers, Et is the beeping.

