Medial circumflex femoral artery

The medial femoral circumflex artery ( " inside, the thigh bone encompassing artery" ) is an artery of the lower limb in the thigh.


The medial femoral circumflex artery arises when people mostly from the arteria profunda femoris, and occasionally directly from the femoral artery. Then she pulls on the inside ( medial) to the shaft of the femur, where they initially between the musculus pectineus and iliopsoas muscle and then runs between musculus obturator internus and adductor brevis. Your posting here a branch of the pelvic socket, which runs through the acetabular notch and anastomoses with the ramus of the acetabular obturator artery. The continuing main trunk passes over the top of the musculus adductor magnus, and divides beneath the musculus quadratus femoris in two branches.

A branch attracts cephalad ( cranial) to the trochanteric fossa of the femur and anastomoses with the artery there gluteal inferior and superior and lateral circumflex femoral artery. The second branch turns to the outside of the thigh bone and goes connections with the inferior gluteal artery, an artery and the lateral circumflex femoral artery.

Comparative Anatomy

In the other mammals, the medial femoral circumflex artery is also mostly from the arteria profunda femoris and pulls in the direction of the long seat leg muscles. In its course it divides into several branches:

  • The ramus obturator nerve runs through the obturator foramen and supplies the musculus obturator internus muscle and the obturator externus.
  • The acetabular ramus runs through the acetabular notch and supplies the hip joint and rotators of the hip.
  • The deep branch draws between musculus obturator externus muscle and the quadratus femoris to the outside of the thigh bone and anastomoses with the artery there lateral circumflex femoral artery.
  • The ramus moves toward the ischial tuberosity and supplies the adductors and the long seat leg muscles.
  • The ramus transversus is the largest branch of the vessel and takes over much of the blood supply to the long seat leg muscles.