Medial ligament of talocrural joint

The deltoid ligament, and collateral ligament medial or Delta band called, is a strong triangular band on the inside of the human ankle joint, which from the inner ankle ( the medial malleolus ) of the shin bone ( tibia) in a fan shape to the tarsal bone heel bone ( calcaneus ), scaphoid ( navicular ) and ankle bone ( talus ) draws. It is the main stabilizing ligament of the ankle.

Anatomy and function

The deltoid ligament consists of four parts:

  • Pars tibiocalcanea: In the middle part situated, which draws almost perpendicular to sustentaculum of the calcaneus, thereby bridging the upper and lower ankle.
  • Pars posterior tibiotalaris: Farthest back ( posterior) part situated. Its fibers pull back towards the inside of the ankle bone and the tubercles on its back.
  • Pars anterior tibiotalaris: The low-lying portion of the deltoid ligament that runs from the tip of the medial malleolus to the inside of the ankle bone.

The deltoid ligament is posterior of the tendons of the tibialis and flexor digitorum longus crosses. Through the band kinking (abduction ) of the foot outward ( lateral) is prevented.

Clinical Significance

The deltoid ligament is damaged typically excessive pronation ( inward rotation ). By the stretching of the tape, there is a reduced maintenance of the ankle. The delta band of the bands of the ankle, the highest tensile strength. Ruptures (tears ) in this volume are extremely rare. A cracked Delta band usually requires a surgical procedure with the seam of the belt.
