Medieval studies

The Medieval Studies (Latin medium aevum, middle age '), or even medieval studies, is the science of the European Middle Ages.

Major branches of Medieval Studies are:

  • The interdisciplinary study of the European Middle Ages by historians, philologists, archaeologists, theologians and scholars in other subjects. In Germany, this universal view is supported by the Mediävistenverband and publicized the Middle Ages in its magazine.
  • In the historiography of European medieval history.
  • The archeology, in particular the so-called " urban archeology " to research the living conditions of medieval towns and settlement forms.
  • The Germanic Medieval Studies ( " Altgermanistik " ), as a branch of the German language and literature, is the science of the German language and literature of the Middle Ages to the early modern period, ie the period from about 700 to 1500 AD Correspondingly, the language - and literature of other European medieval vernacular languages ​​and philology of the middle part of the Latin medieval studies.
  • The art scientific study of painting and architecture.

Also auxiliary historical sciences such as paleography, codicology, sphragistics or heraldry are significant for Medieval Studies.
