
52.72666666666710.95333333333352Koordinaten: 52 ° 43 ' 36 "N, 10 ° 57' 12" E

Mehmke is a part of this village in the Altmark Salzwedel in Saxony- Anhalt, Germany.


The place Mehmke found in 1315 first documentary mention. The district Wüllmersen was mentioned in documents in 1318. Both villages were originally Roundabout villages. The district Hohengrieben was mentioned and settled in 1140 and was later regarded as waste. In 1749 it was at a different location and re- created as a street inhabited village. Was Hohengrieben on 1 July 1950 Wüllmersen incorporated to Mehmke on 1 July 1973.

In the course of the regional changes in the Altmark Salzwedel in a bill, the incorporation of the municipality Mehmke was provided in the patch this village. Mehmke was until 31 December 2009 Member of the Management Community Beetzendorf - This village. The community association Beetzendorf - Diesdorf newly founded January 1, 2010 then managed the community Mehmke, although this was not a member of the community association. On 1 September 2010, the annexation took place after this village.

Culture and sights

  • Megalithic tombs at Mehmke
  • Medieval stone church

Sons and daughters of the town

  • Joachim August Zarnack (1777-1827), preacher, teacher and collector of folk songs