Menegazzia terebrata

Menegazzia terebrata

Menegazzia terebrata is a more rare in Central Europe Blattflechtenart of the family Parmeliaceae that grows mainly on tree bark.


The rosettes round bearing ( thallus ) of Menegazzia terebrata reached to about 10 cm in diameter. It is on the upper side light gray to bluish gray and slightly shiny, underside black. The hollow lobes are 0.5 to 2 mm wide, and at the edges sometimes brownish. Rhizines missing. Characteristic are scattered over the surface of a number of small, round holes (up to 1 mm diameter). This can develop annular Soralia. Fruiting bodies ( apothecia ) are very rare.


Menegazzia terebrata is the only European species of the otherwise predominantly represented in the southern hemisphere genus Menegazzia. Your area extends from southern Scandinavia to in montane regions of Submediterranraums. Overall, they preferred acidic bark in high rainfall deciduous and mixed forests, especially in mountainous regions of the Alps, in central Europe it is otherwise rare.
