Messier 4

The globular cluster Messier 4 (short: M 4 ) is in the constellation Scorpio. In NGC catalog he wears the number 6121st

M 4 is the closest to us globular clusters. Although it is quite small, M 4 therefore has a considerable angular extent and is an impressive object for the amateur astronomical observation.


M 4 was discovered in 1746 by Philippe Loys de Chéseaux amateur astronomers and cataloged on May 8, 1764 by Charles Messier.


M 4 is the nearest globular clusters with 7000 light years away. It is therefore often used for specific examinations. Because of its southern location M 4 is, however, less attractive than, say, lying close to M5 or M19 for amateur astronomers in Central Europe.

Striking is the already described by William Herschel in 1783 already central beam structure, which consists about 11 - size from a 2.5 ' long series star and runs almost through the whole pile of dense core.
