Michael Bernhard Valentini

Michael Bernhard Valentini (* November 26, 1657 in Giessen, † March 18, 1729 ) was a German physician and naturalist.


Valentini began the study of medicine in 1675 in Giessen, a small town of about 5000 inhabitants. After he had in 1680 acquired the license for medical practice, he worked as a doctor in garrison second Phillipsburg, but returned in 1682 to continue his studies back to Giessen. A scientific journey that took him to France, Holland and England, expanded the horizon. In 1686 he earned a doctorate in Giessen, a year later, he assumed the chair of physics. Thanks to his contacts to the Musschenbroek workshop in Leiden he could buy physical instruments and establish the experimental physics at the University of Giessen, the now offering the "new physics " in their curriculum to Altdorf and Marburg as the third German university.

1697 moved Valentini on a chair of medicine. 1720 " seniority " and "Economy Inspectorate " of the University was conferred on him. 1728 he was appointed imperial body Medicus. Since 1683 he was a member of the 1652 founded the German Academy of Natural Scientists, whose construction he made ​​important contributions. In 1704 he became a member of the Berlin Academy of Sciences and on November 10, 1715 Member of the Royal Society in London.

Valentini was in contact with numerous scholars in Europe and the Far East. He accumulated not only a wealth of information, but also built an extensive collection on. Its beginning of the 18th century published work " Museum Museorum " is still a treasure trove of information on Materia Medica from around the world, as well as the importance and methodology of collecting and to the most important collections of its time. The third part presents numerous devices and instruments of Musschenbroek.

Works (selection)
