Michael Joseph Murphy

Michael Joseph Murphy ( born July 1, 1915 in Cleveland, Ohio, USA, † April 3, 2007 in Erie ) was Bishop of Erie, Pennsylvania.


Michael Joseph Murphy received on 28 February 1942 the ordination to the priesthood in Cleveland.

On April 20, 1976, he was by Paul VI. appointed Auxiliary Bishop in the Diocese of Cleveland and appointed Titular Bishop of Arindela. The Bishop of Cleveland, James Aloysius Hickey, gave him on 11 June of the same year the episcopal ordination. Co-consecrators were the Archbishop of Cincinnati, Joseph Louis Bernardin, and the retired bishop of Cleveland, Clarence George Issenmann.

On November 20, 1978, the appointment was followed by the Coadjutor Bishop of the Diocese of Erie. With the resignation Alfred Michael Watson on July 16, 1982, he followed them, as Bishop of Erie. On June 2, 1990 his resignation was accepted by Pope John Paul II.
