
Micon (Greek Μίκων ) an ancient Greek painter and sculptor from Athens, a contemporary Polygnotus and how this v. within the middle third of the 5th century BC worked. He was the son of the Athenian Phanochos.

How Polygnotus also acted Micon in shaping the Stoa Poecile on the Athenian Agora, the Anakeion and Theseion in Athens. In the Stoa Poecile the painting of amazonomachy came entirely from his hand, that the battle of Marathon was created in collaboration with either Polygnotus or Panainos. Considering that the Greeks he painted less great than the Persians in the painting, he got a higher salary by 30 mines. In Anakeion, the place so designated in Athens Temple of Castor and Pollux, came the painting of the return of the Argonauts from him. In Theseion he painted according to Pausanias, a amazonomachy, a Centauromachy and the recognition and the end of Theseus - but Pausanias omits the name of the building, which he describes.

Micon created the winning statue of Callias, who is also a victorious pankratiast was not only an Athenian statesman, but in the 77th Olympiad, ie 472 BC, and other statues, one of which on the Athenian Acropolis remains one after 450 BC BC have been found to be dated as inscription.

Micon was an excellent painter of horses, where a famous rider named Simon was suspended, he had a horse once also painted lashes on the lower lids. About the color Mikons only little is known. Pliny gives his use of ocher and a yeast -based black color. Varro calls him a painter of the old school, whose style is a Apelles and a Protogenes - some generations later worked though - were not followed.

